EventOffice Shenanigans April 30, 2018

The Remodel

Northgate office remodel Header


We had vibrant red accent walls. We had tired, creaky chairs. We had an unsightly structural pole in the Resource Room that I would frequently walk into while trying to multitask. These minor bumps, plus countless more, prompted our owner OB Jacobi to call for a Remodel of the Northgate Office. It posed a bit of an inconvenience for our brokers – the regularly used computers were gone, our kitchen was ripped apart, the copy machines were piled in the back of the office near working desks, but worst of all – the coffee pot was tucked away in the back corner (gasp!) and we now had to walk several more paces for our morning joe. We even received our first water cooler, and when empty, the office would erupt into a fiery rage of whodunit.


Kidding aside, everyone adapted to our strange new set up with understanding. It added laughs to the conversations when we had to wait for the jackhammer to quiet down between words, and it motivated people to gather around our odd cubicle kitchen and reminisce about a simpler office. Luckily for us, the wait was worth it.


We have a stunning new kitchen with backsplash and under lighting. We have new computers, new copiers, and a brand new Keurig.


We. Have. Shiplap.


But most importantly, we’re all just fortunate we don’t have to wash our mugs in the bathroom anymore.